In the Service URL field, enter the text string matching the URL contained in the certificate used to secure connections. 在ServiceURL字段中,输入与用于确保连接安全的凭证中所包含的URL匹配的文本字符串。
With CA-signed certificates, the MQ administrator controls only the string matching template for Distinguished Names ( DN) that are allowed to connect. 使用由CA签名的证书时,MQ管理员只控制允许连接的DistinguishedNames(DN)的字符串匹配模板。
Rather than sequentially searching through the text data using string matching, as done with the XQuery contains() function, Net Search Extender uses a text index. NetSearchExtender并不使用字符串匹配连续地搜索文本数据(就像XQuerycontains()函数所做的那样),而是使用文本索引。
Then you use string matching to map the user agent string to an Enum called Agents. 然后,您使用字符串机器将这个用户代理字符串映射到一个名为Agents的Enum。
Matcher also offers a group() that retrieves the string matching a given group. Matcher还提供了group()来检索与给定组相匹配的字符串。
Doing so takes you to the first occurrence of a string matching the pattern specified. 这样做就会找到与指定的模式匹配的第一个字符串。
Rapid string matching algorithm for intrusion detection systems 用于入侵检测系统的快速字符串匹配算法
Parallel research of string matching algorithm based on r-contiguous bits in WCCS environment WCCS环境下连续r位串匹配算法及其并行化研究
Automaton Compact Representation Technology in String Matching Algorithm 串匹配算法中的自动机紧缩存储技术
String matching algorithm and hook procedure in the application of internet content filtering 字符串匹配算法和钩子程序对上网内容筛选的应用
This paper presents an approach to parallel string matching allowing errors. 本文提出了一种允许错误的并行字符串查找技术。
The first stage of matching is to find a match of vertices between the input object and the reference object by using global attributed cyclic string matching technique. 在第一阶段大部比对中,以一适当的特徵做循环字串比对得到输入物体与参考物体之初步对应关系。
Parallel string matching algorithm based on compute unified device architecture 基于统一计算设备架构的并行串匹配算法
String matching is one of the basic problems in computer science. 字符串的匹配问题被视为计算机科学的基本问题之一。
A fast string matching algorithm for large-scale pattern sets Research on the Calculation of the Skin Effect for Complex Rotor Bar-shape of the Asynchronous Motor 一种面向大规模特征集的高效特征匹配算法异步电机转子复杂槽型集肤效应计算方法研究
Composite string matching algorithm based on boyer-moore method 基于BM方法的字符串匹配复化算法
In this paper, a network anti-virus system based on an optimal string matching algorithm is implemented. 实现一个基于最优串匹配算法的网络防病毒系统。
It addresses the method of identifying the accurate tandem repeat in detail after analyzing suffix tree and suffix array algorithms of string matching. 在分析了后缀树和后缀数组字符串匹配算法的基础上,详细阐述了基于后缀数组的精确串联重复序列识别方法。
Design and Verification of the Hardware String Matching System Based on Bloom Filter 基于Bloomfilter的硬件字符串匹配设计与验证
A Fast String Matching Algorithm Based on Finite Automaton 一种基于有限自动机的快速串匹配算法
Contains extensive discussions on string matching, data structures, and finite precision. 包含在字符串匹配,数据结构和有限的精密上的广泛的讨论。
Musically reasonable approximate matching algorithm was proposed based on maximum string matching algorithm. 在字符串最大匹配算法的基础上提出了具有音乐合理性的近似匹配算法。
For now there are two effective methods to improve approximate string matching: bit-vector method and filter method. 本文解决了中文字符串模糊匹配的两个主要问题:空间问题和时间问题。目前字符串模糊匹配的两个主要方法是位向量方法和过滤方法。
It has very important theoretical value and practical meaning to research and design very fast approximate string matching algorithms. 因此,研究(设计)高效的近似字符串匹配算法具有重要的理论价值和实际意义。
Dynamic programming is the basis of approximate string matching and sequence alignment. 动态规划是模糊串匹配和序列联配中的基本算法。
A detecting engine based on deep packet inspection that supports the string matching and regular expression matching is designed. 设计了一种支持字符串规则与正则表达式规则的深度包检测引擎实现方案。
Multi-object matching and multi-pattern matching are important issues in string matching field. 多目标和多模式匹配是串匹配技术的重要研究内容。
Approximate string matching is an important issue in the research areas of pattern matching. 近似字符串匹配是模式匹配研究领域中的一个重要问题。
In addition, multi-pattern string matching algorithm is improved. 另外,对多模式匹配算法进行了改进,进一步提高了识别效率。
Influence of worm propagation is evaluated when signature basd on string matching and NRS are used detect worms. 并在模型中评估基于字符串匹配的特征和NRS特征用于IDS进行检测时对蠕虫传播的影响。